It is vitally important to keep your payment methods up to date. If you have an expired card set as your default payment method this could result in your subscription expiring.
Don't worry too much, we will send you an email informing you that we have an expired payment method on your account. If this is the case you will need to update your account with your new payment method.
Please see the instructions on how to update your payment method below.
1) Please log in at
2) Once logged in click the 'head and shoulders' icon in the top-right corner.
3) Select 'Payments and billing'
4) Select 'Payment Methods' and then select 'Add a new payment method'
5) Choose your preferred Payment method and follow the on-screen instructions
6) Once you have added your new payment method click 'save changes'
Please note that you cannot edit the 16-digit card number or remove a card linked to your subscription
If you are not sure whether your payment details have been updated, please contact Customer Services.