You may cancel your subscription at any time by turning off auto-renewal. If you cancel your subscription before your next payment date, no further payments will be taken. However, please note that we do not provide refunds for subscriptions that are cancelled between renewal dates.
Please find our full subscription terms and conditions here
If you purchased your subscription directly via our website, follow these steps to cancel:
Visit and click on LOG IN/REGISTER in the top right-hand corner. Sign in to your account using your email address and password
Once logged in, visit your account overview by clicking on the head and shoulders icon in the top right-hand corner.
Select the 'Manage subscription’ tab
Click on ‘Cancel subscription.
Follow the on-screen prompts to confirm that you wish to cancel your subscription. Once you have cancelled your subscription, your Premium access will expire at your next payment due date
If you change your mind after cancelling and wish to continue with your subscription, you may visit the ‘Manage subscription’ tab in your account overview at any time to reactivate your Premium access.
Please note: Subscriptions may be cancelled at any time, but cancellations will only take effect on the next payment date.
Find step-by-step instructions on how to cancel your App Store subscription here - How do cancel my Independent Premium subscriptions bought via an App Store?